Category: Travel Destination

  Zion National Park The scenery is out of this world, with towering cliffs and lush valleys. Zion National Park is a great place to walk and take pictures. It is in the desert, but…

    Bozeman A Modern city in Montana with old-fashioned charm Bozeman, which is known as the “Queen City of the Rockies,” is both surprisingly rural and surprisingly elegant. Bozeman is one of those rare…

              Puerto Rico An ancient capital city in the Caribbean that is buzzing with modern life In Puerto Rico’s main city, the city center is 500 years old and…

  Montana You can find the high peaks of the Rocky Mountains and the stunning beauty of Glacier National Park in Montana. Many people think of Montana as the Great American West because of its…

Madison In the nation’s capital, find happiness This capital city is a vibrant university town brimming with culture, and it has a striking capitol building fashioned after the nation’s in Washington, D.C. The city is…