Saturday Prayers

Monday Powerful Prayers



Monday Powerful Prayers. In many places, Monday is the first day of the week. Different people are excited or not so excited about the start of a new week and seeing what God has planned for them. The reason for this is that getting up on Monday morning after a long weekend is usually the hardest thing to do.

Monday Powerful Prayers

Prayer on Monday morning
Dear Father,

You woke me up on this lovely Monday morning, so thank you. Even though there is a lot to do, I pray that You will help me not to worry and instead give me strength through Your Holy Spirit.

Lord, I pray that today will be a day of work and results. Please help me work hard and with all my heart, knowing that everything I do is for You. Please help me use the skills and gifts you’ve given me to love those around me. Please give me a happy, positive mood and the drive and energy to not only get through the day but also enjoy it.

Lord, I pray that You will help me give you the things that are weighing me down. There are many things I can’t change, but I believe that God is in charge of everything. You are strong, but I am weak. I want to always be a tool for Your glory, no matter what. In the name of Jesus, I pray all of this. Amen..


Monday Prayer to Get Strong for the Week Ahead

Thank God I can see this new week. You know that I might have some problems. Come with me as I face the difficulties of the week. Make me strong enough to fight back right away. May I have hope and strength as I walk.

Good morning, God. I hope that You give me the strength to stand strong for You even though this world is full of temptations. I pray that You will be with me during those times. Nothing will be impossible for me as long as You are with me. When I’m too weak, carry me. Help me get through this. Give me Your knowledge. Bless everything I touch. Let all the glory come back to You in the end.

Amen, in the name of Jesus

Monday Prayer for Guidance

Please forgive me.

I ask You to help me as I think about a new day this morning. Whenever I make a choice, talk to someone, or do work, I want to be aware of your spirit guiding me. God the Son, I want to be more like You when I talk to people today, whether they are friends or strangers.

Let every road I walk be on Yours. Let Your eyes see everything I see. Let Your will be done in everything I do. Let me put all of my problems in Your hands. It should be Your spirit moving in me that makes me feel everything. Let Your love be the place where I find everything I need.

I understand that I am weak, but I also know that Your spirit can make me strong in my work, choices, and words. Thank You for saying You will always be with me.


Monday Prayer to Keep You Safe

Oh my God,

Thank You for today. You are always with me. Help me know and feel this in my heart and soul.

Please send Your angels to watch over me this week as You lead me to my holy purpose.

Thank You for keeping me safe by leading me.

Amen, in the name of Jesus.

Monday Prayer for Thanks

Dear Father,

Thank you for making today possible. I will rejoice and be glad indeed. You have blessed me with a sound mind and health and have placed me on the path of purpose. Thank You, Lord, for my work, family, loved ones, and all those around me.

I thank You for my growth and experiences as I walk to please You daily. You have been with me through the dark and trying times and have danced with me when I had victory. I thank You for the tests and trials of the week, knowing that it is a new growth stage for me.

I thank You in advance for the tiring moments and the sleepless nights. Help me, Lord, handle all that life has for me with humility and grace this new week.


Monday Morning Prayer For Work or School

Dear Father,

Lord, I realize that You have given me work for Your good pleasure, and I must serve as a sacrifice unto You at my workplace. Lord, I pray that You help me to be accountable and honest in my work this week. Lord, I ask for direction and clarity as I make decisions and choices at work or school.

Help me to be gracious and helpful in my interaction with those around me. And when my work or study gets tedious and challenging, I ask that You will help me to be graceful and maintain my peace. I pray that You lead me to work hard without pretense as I serve You and humanity. Thank You for always loving me.


Monday Evening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I give You thanks. Thank You for your faithfulness today. It’s always a good day, because You are in control. Even when things may not go the way I plan, or when the world seems in chaos.

For all the times when I was aware of Your help today, all the times when Your unseen presence seemed so near, thank You, God. But for all the ways You worked behind the scenes, unknown to me, moments when heaven-sent angels moved on my behalf in ways I’ll never know, I thank You too.

I ask that You watch over my sleep and my dreams. Let me arise with a song in my heart to face a new day and play my part in Your divine plan. Help me not to repeat the mistakes I made today. Whatever the time, You are right by my side.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.
