Saturday Prayers

Thursday Prayers


Thursday Prayers

Thursday Prayers. Thursday is a fun day for many people. The main reason for this is that people are getting more and more excited about the upcoming weekend. But every day brings new problems and a lot of stress.

Thursday Prayers

It’s not easy to get everything done on your list, go to school, work, and spend time with your family, all while taking breaks every day. Thursdays are no different.

But making time to talk to God in a quiet place or at a certain time every morning can make a huge difference. You can shape your day and get the help you need to make the most of every morning by starting it with prayer.

There are encouraging and uplifting Thursday prayers in this article that will help you give your day to God and ask for His help to have a grace-filled day.

Thursday Prayer in the Morning

Dear Father,

I’m grateful that You gave me another beautiful morning to breathe life into my pores. God, I thank You for all the many good things You have done for me.

I promise to give you my whole day this Thursday morning. Help me see that You can handle anything that comes up today. Help me become aware of where Your Spirit is taking me and follow it. Help me get over putting things off and being lazy so I can reach all of my goals for today.

Please give me the kindness to be patient and kind to everyone I meet and the smarts to do a great job at my job.

In everything I do today, help me be a good representative of Your kingdom. Please bless this Thursday and send Your angels ahead of me to clear the way.

Thank you, Lord.

Thursday Prayer of Thanks

Dear Dad,

I’m thankful for everything you’ve done and come to you this Thursday morning.
Thank you for always being there for me and being kind. You gave me Jesus, who died for my sins and gave me life forever. You’ve also been kind enough to give me a family and friends who love me and look out for me. You have met my wants and given me everyday reasons to be happy.

Lord, thank you for keeping me safe from the bad guy.

Thank You for sending me angels to help me. Thank you for the rain, the sun, and all the beautiful things in nature.

You are my comforter, teacher, and guide, so thank you for the Holy Spirit.

Most of all, thank you for giving me peace and joy in You, even though the world around me is crazy. I have a lot of nice things to say about you.


Thursday: A Prayer for Strength and Courage

Dear Lord,

Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful that I can tell you how hard things are and know that you will listen. Good morning, God. I ask for the strength to face everything that comes my way with trust.

Help me trust You even when things around me happen that I don’t understand. Give me the strength to keep going on this faith journey and help other people. Give me the strength and knowledge to do what You want me to do even when things are hard.

Give my heart peace and the strength to know that You are my guardian and shield as I go through the day. That means I don’t have to worry about anything today. Please give me the courage to avoid bad things and stand up for what’s right.

I pray this in the name of Jesus.

Thursday Prayer for the Family

Dear Father,

Thank You for my family. Thank you for giving me, my husband and children. Thank you to my parents, my brothers, and everyone else in my big family.

Lord, I pray that You bring our family closer to You this Thursday. Help us follow Your ways and do what You want us to do. Make our relationship stronger and keep Your love in our hearts.

Give us Your peace and all the things we need. Please hold us close and keep us safe. Help us always keep our faces and hearts turned to You for help, no matter what.
May we always recognize You in everything we do.

Amen, in the name of Jesus.
